When did information overload become normal?! Quite a while ago, actually. And, this fast-paced digital age has catapulted the emergence of IDP – Intelligent Document Processing.  

IDP is nothing short of a miracle that transforms the daunting task of document management into a seamless and efficient process. In this article, we will walk you through the basics and help you understand what the (much deserved) fuss is all about. 

What is Intelligent Document Processing? 

Intelligent Document Processing, or IDP for short, is an advanced technology that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to extract valuable data from a wide range of documents, including invoices, contracts, forms, and more. IDP brings order to the chaos of paperwork, liberating organisations from manual data entry and tedious document handling. 

How does Intelligent Document Processing work?  

Now, let’s peek behind the curtain and unravel the inner workings of IDP. The magic begins with optical character recognition (OCR), a technology that converts scanned or printed text into machine-readable data. Once the documents are digitised, AI algorithms take centre stage, employing natural language processing and machine learning to analyse, classify, and extract relevant information. 

Benefits of Intelligent Document Processing 

Ah, the benefits! There are quite a few, but we will gloss over the most important ones: 

  • Enhanced Efficiency: IDP slashes the time and effort required for manual document processing. Imagine bidding farewell to mind-numbing data entry tasks and embracing productivity gains across the board. 
  • Improved Accuracy: Humans are prone to errors, but IDP minimises the risk of mistakes by automating data extraction. No more typos, missing data, and inconsistencies, as IDP ensures accuracy and data integrity. 
  • Cost Savings: With IDP, organisations can trim operational costs by reducing the need for manpower. By streamlining document workflows, you can redirect resources to more value-added tasks. 
  • Compliance and Security: IDP empowers organisations to adhere to regulatory requirements and maintain data security. By automating document processing, you can enhance compliance and ensure sensitive information remains confidential. 

Intelligent Document Processing: Use Cases 

IDP is useful across multiple sectors since it is versatile and highly efficient. A few use cases are as follows: 

  • Finance: IDP revolutionises invoice processing, automating data extraction, and validation. From purchase orders to expense reports, IDP streamlines financial workflows, facilitating faster payments and accurate financial analysis. 
  • Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, IDP eases the burden of managing patient records, insurance claims, and medical forms. By digitising and extracting data from medical documents, healthcare professionals can focus on other important aspects. 
  • Insurance: Claims processing can be a nightmare, but IDP turns it into a breeze. By automating data extraction from insurance forms, policies, and claims documents, IDP accelerates claims processing, reducing turnaround times, and improving customer satisfaction. 
  • Retail: IDP empowers retailers to automate processes such as purchase order processing, inventory management, and supplier contracts. By eliminating manual tasks, IDP helps retailers stay agile and responsive in a competitive market. 
  • Real Estate: From lease agreements to property documentation, IDP simplifies the management of real estate documents. By automating data extraction and contract review, IDP saves time, reduces administrative overhead, and enhances compliance. 


The world of intelligent document processing is enchanting and quite marvellous, according to us. We invite you to use Hamta, our in-house IDP, which promises to harness the power of AI to help you save resources, time, and money.